Xuan Nguyen
Institution: English Language Lecturer | Faculty of EnglishnnUniversity of Languages and International Studies, Vietnam National University, Hanoi (ULIS-VNUH)
Address: Room 601, Number 4, Lane 409/7, An Duong Vuong St, Phu Thuong, Tay Ho
Postal Code: 0084
Country: Viet Nam
Xuan is an English Language Lecturer at University of Languages and International Studies, Vietnam National University, Hanoi (ULIS-VNUH). Apart from her BA in English Language Teacher Education at ULIS-VNUH and her PG Diploma in MTESOL program in cooperation between Hanoi University and Victoria University (Australia), Xuan also has a CELTA certificate (English Language Academy, University of Auckland, New Zealand) and an ESOL Home Tutoring certificate (a NZQA Qualification, English Language Partners, New Zealand). In addition, she trained in a number of short courses including the Development of Audio-Visual Learning Materials programme at Department of Media and Learning, Katholieke Universtity of Leuven and the e-Teacher programme with Linguistics Department, American English Institute, University of Oregon. She has recently completed her Master of Education programme at Unitec, Institute of Technology, New Zealand. Her current research interests include English Language Learning and Teaching, English Language Teacher Education, Training and Professional Development, and Technology-Enhanced Language Learning, Digital Literacy and Digital Integration in Education.