Katharina Zipser
Institution: Universität Innsbruck
Address: Innrain 52
Postal Code: 6020
Country: Austria
Katharina Zipser acts as assistant professor at Leopold-Franzens University of Innsbruck, Austria.
She studied Latin and Italian, General, Applied Linguistics and Indo-Germanic Linguistics and gained her PhD in Historical Linguistics for her work on Language Acquisition and Syntactic Change (published as "Spracherwerb und Sprachwandel. Synchronie und Diachronie im Wechselspiel, Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft [IBS], 2012).
She worked as teacher for latin and italian in secondary schools; furthermore she has quite a lot of experience in teaching German as foreign and second language.
Her research interests concentrate on synchronic language acquisition, diachronic language change, language evolution and language learning.
She studied Latin and Italian, General, Applied Linguistics and Indo-Germanic Linguistics and gained her PhD in Historical Linguistics for her work on Language Acquisition and Syntactic Change (published as "Spracherwerb und Sprachwandel. Synchronie und Diachronie im Wechselspiel, Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft [IBS], 2012).
She worked as teacher for latin and italian in secondary schools; furthermore she has quite a lot of experience in teaching German as foreign and second language.
Her research interests concentrate on synchronic language acquisition, diachronic language change, language evolution and language learning.