Innovation in Language Learning

Edition 17

Speaker Profile

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Mario Paiano

Institution: Centro Machiavelli Firenze

Address: Piazza Santo Spirito, 4

Postal Code: 50125

Country: Italy

In 2008 Mario Paiano began to work with the Centro Machiavelli, based in Florence (Italy), Italian language and cultural school for foreigners accredited by the Italian Ministry of Education and Training Agency accredited by the Tuscany Region. The Centre also has the quality system certification according to the UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 standards. The role and aim of Mario Paiano in the Centro Machiavelli is to develop the Training Agency and the EU Projects Area. He holds a Degree in Political Science - International Affairs with a specialisation in the European Union Institutions and Programmes.
He has more than 20-years experience as consultant in the fields as follows:
- Research and analysis on the European dimension of VET;
- Research and analysis on educational needs at both the local and the European levels;
- Consultancy and technical assistance for European planning;
- Project Management for EU projects;
- Quality control, monitoring and evaluation of EU projects;
- These activities, past and ongoing, fall within the sphere of EU programmes such as ADAPT, EQUAL, TACIS, LdV, LLP - LdV, GRUNDTVIG, COMENIUS, TRANSVERSAL PROGRAMME (TOI, Partnership, Mobility), ERASMUS PLUS, HORIZON 2020, etc.
Currently, amongst other projects, he is the Project Manager and the Transnational Co-ordinator for Centro Machiavelli of two different EU projects for English learning and teaching, both addressed to blind and visually impaired people:
1) VET4VIP, Vocational English Teaching for Visually Impaired People, promoted by DAA Berlin within the LLP TRANSVERSAL PROGRAMME – Key Activity 2 (Languages), for which Centro Machiavelli is a partner, and which has as its objective the development and testing of methodology for teaching languages to non-sighted students in an integrated context with sighted students. Project dates: from 1st December 2009 to 30th April 2012.
2) ELLVIS – English Language Learning programme for Visually Impaired Students, promoted by Centro Machiavelli within the LLP – Sub-program COMENIUS Multilateral projects that has as its objective the testing of a method developed in a previous European project (AllVip) designed for language learning for non-sighted students with the use of a joystick based on force-feedback and related interfaces. Project dates: from 1st October 2009 to 31st March 2011.
3) ALL4WELL – Accessible Language Learning for the Wellness Sector, promoted by UICI Firenze within the LLP – Sub-program L. DA VINCI TOI. Based on the results of the projects ELLVIS and VET4VIP, the ALL4WELL project provide a job-oriented English course for visually impaired masseurs and wellness professionals.

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