Charis-Olga Papadopoulou
Institution: School of German Language and Literature, Faculty of Philosophy, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Country: Greece

Charis-Olga Papadopoulou is an Associate Professor of GFL Teaching Methodology in the School of German Language and Literature of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh) in Greece. Since 2015 she is Director of the School’s Laboratory for Education and Language and Practice Office Responsible (incl. management of the NSRF 2014 - 2020 – Internship) in the same School. Since 2017 she is Vice-Head of the Centre for Foreign Language Teaching AUTh.
Charis-Olga holds a BA in Germanistik, Department of German Language and Literature (AUTh) (1995), a Master of Science in Educational Research Methodology, Department of Educational Studies, University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1996) and is Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Educational Studies, University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1999).
In the last 15 years Charis-Olga has taught numerous graduate and post-graduate courses on foreign language teaching methodology, educational research methods, reflective teaching and more recently on learning difficulties and language learning in several departments at the AUTh and the Hellenic Open University. She has also supervised graduate and post-graduate students on a plethora of related topics and has been member of examination boards for students and members of academic staff for many Greek universities.
Her scientific co-operations nationally and internationally over the years include: The project Deutsch von Anfang an related to early foreign language learning, EPEAEK and ESPA Operational Programmes of the Greek Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs, Strand: ‘Education and Initial Vocational Training’, as well as Strand: “Language assessment and certification”, the European Thematic Network Project In the Area of Languages III, Sub-project One: Languages for the language-related industries and professions, Projects of the Centre for the Greek Language, Greek Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs and others.
Her research interests relate to Early Foreign Language Learning, L3 teaching and learning, Educational policy and reform, Educational Research Methodology, Reflective teaching, Learner autonomy, Action research and Learning Difficulties.
Charis-Olga has published the following monographs and edited books: Papadopoulou, Charis-Olga (2015). The Use of the Learning Portfolio in Foreign Language Teacher Education. The Promotion of Learner Autonomy. Didaktik in Forschung und Praxis, Band 78. Hamburg: Dr Kovac Verlag; Karagianidou, Evangelia/Papadopoulou, Charis-Olga/Skourtou, Eleni (eds.) (2013): Language Diversity and Language Learning: New Paths to Literacy. Proceedings of the 42nd Linguistics Colloquium in Rhodes 2007. Frankfurt a.M. a.o.: Peter Lang; Papadopoulou, Charis-Olga (2007). German as a Foreign Language in Greek Compulsory Education: Ensuring Continuity [in Greek]. Thessaloniki: Stamoulis Publications. She has also published many relevant research articles in Greek and international scientific journals as well as in Proceedings Volumes of national and international conferences and has been invited speaker and has participated in many Greek and international conferences and workshops of the field.
Charis-Olga holds a BA in Germanistik, Department of German Language and Literature (AUTh) (1995), a Master of Science in Educational Research Methodology, Department of Educational Studies, University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1996) and is Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Educational Studies, University of Oxford, United Kingdom (1999).
In the last 15 years Charis-Olga has taught numerous graduate and post-graduate courses on foreign language teaching methodology, educational research methods, reflective teaching and more recently on learning difficulties and language learning in several departments at the AUTh and the Hellenic Open University. She has also supervised graduate and post-graduate students on a plethora of related topics and has been member of examination boards for students and members of academic staff for many Greek universities.
Her scientific co-operations nationally and internationally over the years include: The project Deutsch von Anfang an related to early foreign language learning, EPEAEK and ESPA Operational Programmes of the Greek Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs, Strand: ‘Education and Initial Vocational Training’, as well as Strand: “Language assessment and certification”, the European Thematic Network Project In the Area of Languages III, Sub-project One: Languages for the language-related industries and professions, Projects of the Centre for the Greek Language, Greek Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs and others.
Her research interests relate to Early Foreign Language Learning, L3 teaching and learning, Educational policy and reform, Educational Research Methodology, Reflective teaching, Learner autonomy, Action research and Learning Difficulties.
Charis-Olga has published the following monographs and edited books: Papadopoulou, Charis-Olga (2015). The Use of the Learning Portfolio in Foreign Language Teacher Education. The Promotion of Learner Autonomy. Didaktik in Forschung und Praxis, Band 78. Hamburg: Dr Kovac Verlag; Karagianidou, Evangelia/Papadopoulou, Charis-Olga/Skourtou, Eleni (eds.) (2013): Language Diversity and Language Learning: New Paths to Literacy. Proceedings of the 42nd Linguistics Colloquium in Rhodes 2007. Frankfurt a.M. a.o.: Peter Lang; Papadopoulou, Charis-Olga (2007). German as a Foreign Language in Greek Compulsory Education: Ensuring Continuity [in Greek]. Thessaloniki: Stamoulis Publications. She has also published many relevant research articles in Greek and international scientific journals as well as in Proceedings Volumes of national and international conferences and has been invited speaker and has participated in many Greek and international conferences and workshops of the field.