Beata Bury
Institution: Philological School of Higher Education
Address: Os. Zgoda Street 60
Postal Code: 34-300
Country: Poland

Beata Bury is a Ph.D. student at the Philological School of Higher Education. Her PhD dissertation involves study of English borrowings on the selected business blogs. She received her MA in English Philology from the University of Silesia. She is interested in the investigation of innovative forms of language play, lolspeak and dogespeak among others, as well as new forms of teaching tools. She works as a teacher of English in one of the public schools near Żywiec, a small town in the south of Poland, and at private language schools. She prepares students for FCE, CAE, TOEIC, TOEFL certificates.
Areas of expertise: linguistics, language varieties, digital tools in language teaching, e-learning, CLIL, innovative teaching methods, formative assessment tools
Areas of expertise: linguistics, language varieties, digital tools in language teaching, e-learning, CLIL, innovative teaching methods, formative assessment tools