Antonio Settimio Romei
Institution: Convitto Nazionale "D. Cirillo"
Address: Via Domenico Cirillo 33
Postal Code: 70125
Country: Italy

Settimio Antonio (Tony) Romei is currently teaching English at Convitto Nazionale “ Domenico Cirillo” in Bari, South Italy.
He graduated in Modern Languages and Literatures ( English major) from the University of Bari in 1986. He started working in the private sector and was Junior Export Manager for “Isotta Fraschini Moptori S.p.A.” In 1998 he decided to join the teaching profession and since then he has been working in the field of education as teacher and teacher trainer.
In particular, Tony is a CLIL trainer and is also an expert in the planning and management of European projects concentrating in particular on the areas of education and training.
From 2007 to 2014 he took part in 2 important Leonardo projects, namely the TOI “ F.A.T.C.A.T” and the Transversal “EREIVET2”. From 2009 to 2014 she co-planned and co-organized (with Settimio Antonio Romei) the VETPRO “GLOCLIL” and VETPRO “GLOCLIL2” aimed at providing teachers with both a language and CLIL methodology course in Italy and in Great Britain.
Tony organized some regional conferences on CLIL from 2010 to 2013 as part of the dissemination action of the European projects he had taken part in together with their coordinator, Mrs Anna Papapicco .
Since 2003 he has been an expert and a tutor in various PON and POR projects addressed to students and aimed at improving both their language skills and their soft skills through work placement experiences abroad.
Tony has also attended post-graduate courses both in Italy and abroad on CLIL methodology, teaching techniques and digital tools to be used in language teaching.
He has also published articles on CLIL and on students' work placement experiences in Italy and abroad. (“Metacognizione al secondo ciclo: orfuientamento, Metacognizione e Competenze trasvesali” in La Didattica Matacognitiva per la promozione delle competenze ed b y G. Mondelli, Aricia Edizioni, Roma, 2013 - co-author with Anna Papapicco; “Il Progetto GLO.C.L.I.L., un'opportunità di fromazione professionale in Europa “ in Rivista Multilingue di Interculturalità -Languages Mag Pearson – N.8 Settembre 2012 anno IV,co-author with Anna Papapicco;
Areas of expertise: CLIL methodology, transnational cooperation, project management, school education, adult education, e-learning, language learning.
He graduated in Modern Languages and Literatures ( English major) from the University of Bari in 1986. He started working in the private sector and was Junior Export Manager for “Isotta Fraschini Moptori S.p.A.” In 1998 he decided to join the teaching profession and since then he has been working in the field of education as teacher and teacher trainer.
In particular, Tony is a CLIL trainer and is also an expert in the planning and management of European projects concentrating in particular on the areas of education and training.
From 2007 to 2014 he took part in 2 important Leonardo projects, namely the TOI “ F.A.T.C.A.T” and the Transversal “EREIVET2”. From 2009 to 2014 she co-planned and co-organized (with Settimio Antonio Romei) the VETPRO “GLOCLIL” and VETPRO “GLOCLIL2” aimed at providing teachers with both a language and CLIL methodology course in Italy and in Great Britain.
Tony organized some regional conferences on CLIL from 2010 to 2013 as part of the dissemination action of the European projects he had taken part in together with their coordinator, Mrs Anna Papapicco .
Since 2003 he has been an expert and a tutor in various PON and POR projects addressed to students and aimed at improving both their language skills and their soft skills through work placement experiences abroad.
Tony has also attended post-graduate courses both in Italy and abroad on CLIL methodology, teaching techniques and digital tools to be used in language teaching.
He has also published articles on CLIL and on students' work placement experiences in Italy and abroad. (“Metacognizione al secondo ciclo: orfuientamento, Metacognizione e Competenze trasvesali” in La Didattica Matacognitiva per la promozione delle competenze ed b y G. Mondelli, Aricia Edizioni, Roma, 2013 - co-author with Anna Papapicco; “Il Progetto GLO.C.L.I.L., un'opportunità di fromazione professionale in Europa “ in Rivista Multilingue di Interculturalità -Languages Mag Pearson – N.8 Settembre 2012 anno IV,co-author with Anna Papapicco;
Areas of expertise: CLIL methodology, transnational cooperation, project management, school education, adult education, e-learning, language learning.