Galina Chesnokova
Institution: Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University
Country: Russian Federation

Galina Chesnokova is a Deputy Director of educational work of the Institute of childhood, The candidate of pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of preschool education theory and methodology, editor of the journal "Siberian pedagogical journal".
Galina Chesnokova is a manager and participant of the traditional Russian with international participation scientific and practical conference "Actual directions of psychological and pedagogical childhood sup-port", an editor of conference articles’ collection.
The head of the Institute students’ scientific society. Galina Chesnokova personally taught more than 60 students for presentations at academic conferences during 5 years. 30 students of them took part in in-ternational conferences in Russia and abroad.
Galina Chesnokova took part in 20 conferences during the past 5 years. Galina Chesnokova was a re-porter at the plenary sessions, was an expert of 10 conferences: Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Minsk, Ye-revan, Prague, etc.
Galina Chesnokova is a manager and participant of the traditional Russian with international participation scientific and practical conference "Actual directions of psychological and pedagogical childhood sup-port", an editor of conference articles’ collection.
The head of the Institute students’ scientific society. Galina Chesnokova personally taught more than 60 students for presentations at academic conferences during 5 years. 30 students of them took part in in-ternational conferences in Russia and abroad.
Galina Chesnokova took part in 20 conferences during the past 5 years. Galina Chesnokova was a re-porter at the plenary sessions, was an expert of 10 conferences: Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Minsk, Ye-revan, Prague, etc.