Fatimah Alhashem
Institution: Gulf University for Science and Technology
Country: Kuwait
Dr. Fatimah Alhashem is assistant professor at the Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST). She received doctoral degree in curriculum and instructions in science education from Arizona State University. She worked as general manager for teacher development department at the National Center for Education Development (NCED) from 2015 until 2018. , She led as a chair the center of teaching, learning, and research (CTLR) at GUST from 2018 -2021. She was a a consultant for the UNESCO, Kuwait Foundation for Advancement of Science (KFAS) and the United Nation Development Program (UNDP). She is a strong advocate for supporting teachers in general and supporting women in science education in specific. She is involved in different projects that serve education system mainly clustered around teachers’ development. Her professional interests focus on professional development for teachers, teachers’ practices, teachers’ polices, STEM education, and TPACK model for teachers. Her current projects are: Teacher effectiveness, Teacher License, and STEM for women. Her researches talk about TPACK model and TIMSS studies.