Panayiota Hadjiconstantinou
Institution: Cyprus University of Technology
Country: Cyprus

Panayiota Hadjiconstantinou is a member of the Language Centre of the Cyprus University of Technology and she teaches English for Specific Academic Purposes and English for Academic Purposes. She has obtained a Master of Education in Practice-Based Educational Research from Exeter University, UK, a Master Degree from North London University, London, UK, in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) and a Bachelor Degree in English Literature and Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) from Middlesex University, London, UK. She was a lecturer at tertiary education in UK in the past and works and since 2001 she works in tertiary education in Cyprus..
Areas of expertise: CALL, Autonomous and Life-long Learning, project-based learning and material design
Areas of expertise: CALL, Autonomous and Life-long Learning, project-based learning and material design