Cláudia Sofia Mota
Institution: Colmeias Joint Group of Schools
Country: Portugal

Cláudia Mota is an English teacher, coordinator of two school libraries and a “Reading Plus” project. She coordinates this English learning project, was the general coordinator of an Erasmus+ and a local coordinator of a Comenius. She is an active teacher and constantly learns about Teaching Methodologies, ICT, Foreign Languages and Literature. She finished her PHD in Modern Language and Literature in 2015, by Coimbra university, where she had also finished her Master in English studies. She has a Post-graduation in Translation, another in Animation of Libraries and a third one related to the Management of School Libraries. Her PhD Thesis was adapted to book format and published, as it is a good tool for those interested in the potentialities of Children’s Literature in Education. She has some articles/papers published in paper/digital format. She is frequently invited to present her investigations in regional/national events in secondary schools/universities.