Akiyoshi Suzuki
Institution: Faculty of Education, Nagasaki University
Country: Japan

Akiyoshi Suzuki is chair professor of English major at Department of Intercultural Studies in Facuty of Education and professor at Grauated School of Global Humanities and Social Sciences, Nagasaki University.
Akiyoshi graduatef from Meiji Gakuin University in Tokyo and got Ph.D of Anglophone literature. Since then, he has researched American and comparative literature, East-West stufies, education and humanistic language education.
Also Akiyoshi is visiting professor of comparative literature and culture, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Suzhou, China from 2012 to 2014. He continued to serve in various positions such as a member of English Test Writing Committee of National Center for University Entrance Examinations in Japan (2008-2010), a member of program committee of WorldCALL 2013 (Glasgow, 2013), conference chair of the Fourth Asian Conference on Literature and Librarianship (Osaka, 2014), senior reviewer of Internatioal Conference on Language Learning—Dubai 2017 (2017) and so on, and now president of Katahira Association of British and American Literarure (Japan), an advisory editor of Japan Society of Text Studies (Japan), a board member of Japan Society of Stylistics (Japan), and a member of editorial committee of International Association for East-West Studies (U.S.A.).
Akiyoshi has published 5 monographs, 1 dictionalry, more than 25 books chapters, 60 essays and 3 translation books on American, Japanese and comparative literatures and English education. His recent books (including book chapters and a dictionary) are Machine Translation and Future Society: Will We See a World without a Language Barriers in the Future? (Tokyo: Shakai Hyoronsha, 2019); Quality Assurance and Enhancement in English Medium Instruction (Tokyo: Kaisei, 2019); The Wisdom Japanese-English Dictionary, 3rd edition (Tokyo: Sanseido, 2019); A Jolly English World Silphe Tells about (Tokyo: Kinseido, 2018); Comparison of Anglophone, Chinese, and Japanese Literary Works and Literary Histories: Their Differences and Affinity (Handa: Ichiryu, 2018); Basic Understanding of Anglophone Culture and Literature for Improvement of the Quality of Courses, Book 1 in a Series of Enhancement of Teacher's Abilities (Tokyo: Katakusha, 2017); An Approach to Motivational and Academic Challenges in Plurilingual EFL Classes in an EFL Environment Countries: A Case of a University Class in Japan. Vol. 1. Affinities and Differences of Motivation Issues and Solution (Handa: Ichiryu, 2017); The Future of English in Asia: Perspectives on language and literature (Routledge Studies in World Englishes) (New York: Routledge, 2015); and so on. His articles also have been published in the world, such as “A Commentary on Errors: On Book Three of Henry Miller's Book of Friends: A Trilogy,” Nexus: The International Henry Miller Journal, 12, 2018, 129-142; “Using Modern Technology to Address Traditional Geographic and Economic Limitations in Education,” Proceedings of the 11th IMSCI, 1, 2017, 50-55; “Academic Issues and Solution Proposal in a Plurilingual EFL Class in Japan,” IAFOR Dubai 2017 Educating for Change East Meets West: Innovation and Discovery, 2017, 57-70; “Cloaking the Poor: Reading and Representation in American Literature,” The Activist History Review: "Poverty" Issue, 2017; “How Should We Read Literature from a Certain Area from the Viewpoints of Other Language-speaking Areas?”, The IAFOR Journal of Literature and Librarianship: Winter 2014, 3(1), 2014, 9-39; “Cross-Cultural Reading of Doll-Love Novels in Japan and the West,” Journal of East-West Thought, Fall Issue, 3(3), 2013, 107-126; “Mapping the Subterranean of Haruki Murakami’s Literary World,” The IAFOR Journal of Literature & Librarianship, 2(1), 2013, 17-42; "Houxiandai de yanjuan," trans. Teresa Kuwamura, Writers’ Association of Sichuan Province, Selected Critical Essays: The 30th Anniversary of Dangdai Wentan (《当代文坛》), 2013, 978-985; and so on. Akiyoshi got an award the 1st Recommendation Article Award by the William Faulkner Society of Japan in 2008 with his article “On Origin of the Structure of the Novels by William Faulkner: With a Focus on the Personal Pronouns and the Structure of ‘The Lilacs’.”
Areas of expertise: East-West studies, cross-cultural understanding, humanistic language education, English education as a foreign language, educational philosophy, educational theory, American literature, comparative literature, and world literature.
Akiyoshi graduatef from Meiji Gakuin University in Tokyo and got Ph.D of Anglophone literature. Since then, he has researched American and comparative literature, East-West stufies, education and humanistic language education.
Also Akiyoshi is visiting professor of comparative literature and culture, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Suzhou, China from 2012 to 2014. He continued to serve in various positions such as a member of English Test Writing Committee of National Center for University Entrance Examinations in Japan (2008-2010), a member of program committee of WorldCALL 2013 (Glasgow, 2013), conference chair of the Fourth Asian Conference on Literature and Librarianship (Osaka, 2014), senior reviewer of Internatioal Conference on Language Learning—Dubai 2017 (2017) and so on, and now president of Katahira Association of British and American Literarure (Japan), an advisory editor of Japan Society of Text Studies (Japan), a board member of Japan Society of Stylistics (Japan), and a member of editorial committee of International Association for East-West Studies (U.S.A.).
Akiyoshi has published 5 monographs, 1 dictionalry, more than 25 books chapters, 60 essays and 3 translation books on American, Japanese and comparative literatures and English education. His recent books (including book chapters and a dictionary) are Machine Translation and Future Society: Will We See a World without a Language Barriers in the Future? (Tokyo: Shakai Hyoronsha, 2019); Quality Assurance and Enhancement in English Medium Instruction (Tokyo: Kaisei, 2019); The Wisdom Japanese-English Dictionary, 3rd edition (Tokyo: Sanseido, 2019); A Jolly English World Silphe Tells about (Tokyo: Kinseido, 2018); Comparison of Anglophone, Chinese, and Japanese Literary Works and Literary Histories: Their Differences and Affinity (Handa: Ichiryu, 2018); Basic Understanding of Anglophone Culture and Literature for Improvement of the Quality of Courses, Book 1 in a Series of Enhancement of Teacher's Abilities (Tokyo: Katakusha, 2017); An Approach to Motivational and Academic Challenges in Plurilingual EFL Classes in an EFL Environment Countries: A Case of a University Class in Japan. Vol. 1. Affinities and Differences of Motivation Issues and Solution (Handa: Ichiryu, 2017); The Future of English in Asia: Perspectives on language and literature (Routledge Studies in World Englishes) (New York: Routledge, 2015); and so on. His articles also have been published in the world, such as “A Commentary on Errors: On Book Three of Henry Miller's Book of Friends: A Trilogy,” Nexus: The International Henry Miller Journal, 12, 2018, 129-142; “Using Modern Technology to Address Traditional Geographic and Economic Limitations in Education,” Proceedings of the 11th IMSCI, 1, 2017, 50-55; “Academic Issues and Solution Proposal in a Plurilingual EFL Class in Japan,” IAFOR Dubai 2017 Educating for Change East Meets West: Innovation and Discovery, 2017, 57-70; “Cloaking the Poor: Reading and Representation in American Literature,” The Activist History Review: "Poverty" Issue, 2017; “How Should We Read Literature from a Certain Area from the Viewpoints of Other Language-speaking Areas?”, The IAFOR Journal of Literature and Librarianship: Winter 2014, 3(1), 2014, 9-39; “Cross-Cultural Reading of Doll-Love Novels in Japan and the West,” Journal of East-West Thought, Fall Issue, 3(3), 2013, 107-126; “Mapping the Subterranean of Haruki Murakami’s Literary World,” The IAFOR Journal of Literature & Librarianship, 2(1), 2013, 17-42; "Houxiandai de yanjuan," trans. Teresa Kuwamura, Writers’ Association of Sichuan Province, Selected Critical Essays: The 30th Anniversary of Dangdai Wentan (《当代文坛》), 2013, 978-985; and so on. Akiyoshi got an award the 1st Recommendation Article Award by the William Faulkner Society of Japan in 2008 with his article “On Origin of the Structure of the Novels by William Faulkner: With a Focus on the Personal Pronouns and the Structure of ‘The Lilacs’.”
Areas of expertise: East-West studies, cross-cultural understanding, humanistic language education, English education as a foreign language, educational philosophy, educational theory, American literature, comparative literature, and world literature.