Anna Kucharíková
Institution: Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave - ÚjŠ STU
Country: Slovakia

PhDr. Anna Kucharíková, PhD. is the Head of the Language Department at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovak University of Technology (STU) in Bratislava.
She teaches ESP in various fields of mechanical engineering, concentrating on terminology and academic skills. She also teaches Spanish as a foreign language. She is responsible for designing curricula for the subject of professional scientific communication at the Faculty.
Involved in the research project on “Innovations in language teaching”, granted by the Ministry of Education, Slovak Republic, she also does research into ESP teaching through mind mapping techniques, the text-based approach and translating skills in engineering terminology.
She completed her PhD. degree at Comenius University in Bratislava, in the field of comparative linguistics based on the Analysis of English, Spanish and Slovak collocations within mechanical engineering terminology.
Author of several ESP textbooks, among them English in Mechanical Engineering (2014), as well as Spanish general language, Espaňol en comunicación I., II., 1997.
She also translates technical texts, novels and short stories from both English and Spanish.
She teaches ESP in various fields of mechanical engineering, concentrating on terminology and academic skills. She also teaches Spanish as a foreign language. She is responsible for designing curricula for the subject of professional scientific communication at the Faculty.
Involved in the research project on “Innovations in language teaching”, granted by the Ministry of Education, Slovak Republic, she also does research into ESP teaching through mind mapping techniques, the text-based approach and translating skills in engineering terminology.
She completed her PhD. degree at Comenius University in Bratislava, in the field of comparative linguistics based on the Analysis of English, Spanish and Slovak collocations within mechanical engineering terminology.
Author of several ESP textbooks, among them English in Mechanical Engineering (2014), as well as Spanish general language, Espaňol en comunicación I., II., 1997.
She also translates technical texts, novels and short stories from both English and Spanish.