New Perspectives in Science Education

Edition 14

Accepted Abstracts

Biomedical Science Education
Title of Abstract Name Institution
Innovative Higher Education - Opportunities for Applying a Hybrid Curriculum in an Academic Course of Study

Vasilka Kocheva

Sofia University “Saint Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Medicine, Sofia, Bulgaria [email protected] (Bulgaria)

Senya Terzieva

University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy (Bulgaria)

Curriculum Development
Title of Abstract Name Institution
Empowering Middle School Students: A Call to Prioritize Real Science Learning

Sameer Ahmad

Yu Ming Charter School, Oakland, California (United States)

Formulation, Resolution and Revision of Mathematical Problems in Cooperation in a 3rd grade classroom

Ricardo Miranda

Higher School of Education in Lisbon (Portugal)

Luís Mestre

Higher School of Education in Lisbon (Portugal)

Joana Osório

Higher School of Education in Lisbon (Portugal)

Interdisciplinarity in a Camping Project, in a 4th grade class

Joana Osório

Higher School of Education in Lisbon (Portugal)

Luís Mestre

Higher School of Education in Lisbon (Portugal)

Ricardo Miranda

Higher School of Education in Lisbon (Portugal)

What Math Are You Teaching? ISAT: A Tool for Individual and Organizational Analysis of Math Activities

Yossi Elran

Davidson Institute of Science Education (Israel)

Naama Bar-On

Davidson Institute of Science Education (Israel)

Lior Ben-Gai

Davidson Institute of Science Education (Israel)

Michal Elran

Davidson Institute of Science Education (Israel)

Tamar Levy

Davidson Institute of Science Education (Israel)

Tal Levy

Davidson Institute of Science Education (Israel)

Michael Gorodin

Davidson Institute of Science Education (Israel)

Aurelie Lachish-Zalait

Davidson Institute for Science Education (Israel)

Liat Ben-David

Davidson Institute of Science Education (Israel)

Educational Strategies
Title of Abstract Name Institution
Advisely: AI-Powered Academic Advising Using Large Language Models (LLMs)

Sherif Abdelhamid

Assistant Professor, Virginia Military Institute (United States)

James Bangura

Virginia Military Institute (United States)

Shahryar Shah

Virginia Military Institute (United States)

Communication and Recognition of Emotions and Facial Expressions of Primary School Students, with and without Covid-19 Masks; A Study in China and Italy

Pei An

Libera Università di Bolzano (Italy)

Designing Future-focused Education for Emerging STEM Related Issues: Developing Resilient Learners for Social-ecological Resilience

Barry Colbert

Lazaridis School of Business, Wilfrid Laurier University (Canada)

Elizabeth Kurucz

Gordon S. Lang School of Business, University of Guelph (Canada)

Development and Validation of a Teacher Development Program for Junior High School Teachers on Teaching Science Using Socioscientific Issues

Katrina Jhoanne M. Santos

University of San Carlos, Cebu (Philippines)

Richard R. Jugar

University of San Carlos, Cebu City (Philippines)

How a Systems Approach to Teaching Helps Students Develop Systems Thinking

Nicole Andreoli

SUPSI, Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana (Switzerland)

Luca Reggiani

SUPSI, Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana (Switzerland)

Indigenous Knowledge in the Science Classroom: Opportunities and Obstacles

Josef de Beer

Research Unit Self-Directed Learning, North-West University (South Africa)

Integrating Green Tax Education: Multidisciplinary Training for Lecturers to Improve Teaching Practices in Higher Education

Sílvia Coutinho Santos

Sustainable Development Research Institute (SDRI), Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest & Research Centre on Accounting and Taxation (CICF), Polytechnic University of Cávado and Ave (Portugal)

Ana Arromba Dinis

Research Centre on Accounting and Taxation, Higher School of Management, Polytechnic University of Cávado and Ave, Portugal (Portugal)

Liliana Pereira

Research Centre on Accounting and Taxation, Higher School of Management, Polytechnic University of Cávado and Ave, Portugal (Portugal)

Shane O'Sullivan

Sustainable Development Research Institute, Technological University of the Shannon (Ireland)

New Approaches to Tax Education: Incorporating ChatGPT for Advanced Learning

Ana Arromba Dinis

Research Centre on Accounting and Taxation, Higher School of Management, Polytechnic University of Cávado and Ave, Portugal (Portugal)

On the Advantages and Disadvantages of Using a Flipped Classroom Learning Model for Teaching Higher Mathematics at Technical Universities

Ilona Dzenite

Riga Technical University (Latvia)

Elena Ligere

Riga Technical University (Latvia)

Sarmite Cernajeva

Riga Technical University (Latvia)

Social Learning Networks for System Transformation: Local STEM Experiments to Build Global Competencies

Elizabeth Kurucz

Gordon S. Lang School of Business, University of Guelph (Canada)

Barry Colbert

Lazaridis School of Business, Wilfrid Laurier University (Canada)

Catherine Hands

Faculty of Education, Brock University (Canada)

Karin Archer

Let’s Talk Science (Canada)

Emily Krysten Spencer-Mueller

Department of Psychology, Wilfrid Laurier University (Canada)

Mehrnaz Amadian

Gordon S. Lang School of Business, University of Guelph (Canada)

The Impact of Lee strategy on the Achievement of Secondary School Students in Biology and the Development of their Cognitive Representation

Amnah saad Alraddadi

university of Limerick (Ireland)

The Role of Storytelling, Digital Re-Enactment, and Memory in Arts Education

Frederico Dinis

Research Institute in Design, Media and Culture (ID+) Polytechnic University of Cávado and Ave (Portugal)

The Semiotics of Culture and the Transmedia Approach: Strategies for Intrinsic Motivation in Yoga Practice within Educational Health Contexts

Nicole de Azevedo Bonavita

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, NUTES Institute (Brazil)

Enhancing Student Engagement
Title of Abstract Name Institution
Developing a Multilingual Vocabulary Toolbox for Future Technology Teachers

Adri Du Toit

Research Unit for Self-directed Learning Faculty of Education North-West University (South Africa)

Rosemary Cromarty

NWU Language Directorate North-West University (South Africa)

Developing Scientific Skills in Students

Ivan Zunac

Elementary School Petrijevci (Croatia)

Extra Curricula Activities
Title of Abstract Name Institution
Extra Curricula Activities in TELEKI Gymnasium (Budapest, Hungary)

Beata Jarosievitz Dr.

Budapest XIV. Kerületi Teleki Blanka Gimnázium (Hungary)

Preschool and Primary Education
Title of Abstract Name Institution
A Quantitative Research on the Relationship between Digital Intelligence and Self-esteem at Romanian Primary School Students

Ștefana Opria

University “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași (Romania)

Mariana Momanu

University “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași (Romania)

Evaluation of the Socio-Affective Competence with Unplugged Activities to Develop Computational Thinking in Mathematics Education

Gregorio Arjona-Aranda

University of Málaga (Spain)

Cristina Sánchez-Cruzado

University of Málaga (Spain)

Antonio Ruano-Cano

University of Almería (Spain)

Álvaro Raya-Fernández

University of Málaga (Spain)

Science and Environment
Title of Abstract Name Institution
Attitudes - Control or Coexistence: Premises for an Education on the Conservation of Carnivores

Bogdan Vasilescu

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania)

Mirela Coman

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania)

Bridging the Gap: Using School Campuses for Scientific Exploration and Language Acquisition

Melissa Caspary

Georgia Gwinnett College (United States)

Diane Boothe

Boise State University (United States)

Interdisciplinary Educational Platform for Supporting Urban Biodiversity

Daniela Todoran

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, North University Center in Baia Mare (Romania)

Claudiu Farcas

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, North University Center in Baia Mare (Romania)

Radu Todoran

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, North University Center in Baia Mare, (Romania)

Monica Marian

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, North University Center in Baia Mare (Romania)

Unlocking Student Insights into Insect Identification and External Anatomy through Artificial Intelligence

Petra Bumberová

Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Science, Charles University (Czech Republic)

Veronika Šilhavá

Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Science, Charles University (Czech Republic)

Ondřej Zahradníček

Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Science, Charles University (Czech Republic)

Adam Hruška

Department of Sustainable Technologies, Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (Czech Republic)

Jan Mourek

Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Science, Charles University (Czech Republic)

Science Teaching Models
Title of Abstract Name Institution
Development, Validation and Evaluation of a Collaborative Lesson Planning Model for Preservice and In-service Science Teachers during Teaching Internship

Everlita E. Canalita

Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology, Iligan City (Philippines)

Richard R. Jugar

University of San Carlos, Cebu City (Philippines)

Exploring the Link Between Modeling-Based Teaching and the Nature of Science

Yefrin Ariza

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (Chile)

Impact of Pedagogical Techniques on the Teaching of Sports Sciences

Muhammad Saleem

Department of Sports Sciences, Sarhad University of Science and Technology Peshawar (Pakistan)

Modeling in Science Education: Bridging Didactics and Student Conceptions of Scientific Models

Yefrin Ariza

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (Chile)

Scientific Inquiry: Five Essential Features in Bahraini Primary School Textbooks and Workbooks

Funda Örnek

Bahrain Teachers College, University of Bahrain (Bahrain)

Shaima Alaam

Bahrain Teachers College, University of Bahrain (Bahrain)

Special Needs
Title of Abstract Name Institution
Accessibility Evaluation of the Websites of the Regional Libraries in Bulgaria

Radoslav Hristov

State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (ULSIT) (Bulgaria)

Tania Todorova

State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (SULSIT) (Bulgaria)

STEM Education
Title of Abstract Name Institution
AI-Tutor: A Generative AI Tool for Learning Assistance

Mostafa Mohamed

Computer Science, University of British Columbia – Okanagan, Canada (Canada)

Abdallah Mohamed

Computer Science, University of British Columbia – Okanagan (Canada)

Biology Systems in STEM Open Education for Teacher Training

Marina Minoli

Royal Society of Biology,United Kingdom Biologists Order Federation, STEM DidaInnovaLab, Italy (Italy)

Development of an Observation Instrument to Observe How Mathematics Is Taught in Secondary Education

Antonio Ruano-Cano

University of Almería (Spain)

Mª Teresa Sánchez-Compaña

University of Málaga (Spain)

Cristina Sánchez-Cruzado

University of Málaga (Spain)

Empowering Physical Sciences Teachers to Introduce a STEAM Approach: A Path to Active Teaching and Critical Learning

Promise Mafokwane

Research Unit for Self-directed Learning, North-West University, Potchefstroom (South Africa)

Neal T Petersen

Research Unit for Self-directed Learning, North-West University, Potchefstroom (South Africa)

Paul Iwuanyanwu

Research Unit for Self-directed Learning, North-West University, Potchefstroom (South Africa)

Increasing Student Identity with STEM…Culturally Relevant Pedagogy in the STEM Classroom through Historical Perspectives

Martha M. Day

Western Kentucky University (United States)

Leaves on a Tree: Fostering Self-directed Learning through Mathematical Modelling

Rajendran Govender

University of the Western Cape (South Africa)

STEM Education for the Inclusion of Romani Children and Students in Bulgaria: Researching the Attitudes of Primary Teachers

Diyana Dimitrova

University of Veliko Tarnovo ‘St. Cyril and St. Methodius’; University of Veliko Tarnovo (Bulgaria)

Student Assessment
Title of Abstract Name Institution
The Feedback Methods Used By Secondary School Teachers and their Classroom Practices. A Comparative Analysis of the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic School Systems

Onyedika Emmanuel Okpala

Faculty of Education, Charles University Prague Czech Republic (Czech Republic)

Towards Efficient Assessment: Personalized Quizzing through Machine Learning

Satanshu Mishra

The University of British Columbia (Canada)

Mostafa Mohamed

Computer Science, University of British Columbia – Okanagan, Canada (Canada)

Abdallah Mohamed

University of British Columbia-Okanagan (Canada)

Student Conceptions
Title of Abstract Name Institution
Analysis of Motivational Factors in the Choice of Engineering Degrees: Evidence from a Teaching Erasmus Experience

Verónica Vasconcelos

Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra; INESC TEC (Portugal)

Catalina Rus Casas

Electronic Engineering and Automatic Department, University of Jaén, Las Lagunillas Campus; Center for Advanced Studies in Earth, Energy and Environmental Sciences CEACTEMA, University of Jaén (Spain)

Luis Marques

Polytechnic University of Coimbra; INESC COIMBRA (Portugal)

Constructing a Conceptual Profile Zone: The Example of Chemical Analysis as Everyday Practices

Maria Mavridi

Department of Environment - Ionian University (Greece)

Katerina Salta

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece)

Dionysios Koulougliotis

Department of Environment - Ionian University (Greece)

Perceptions Related to the Educational Objectives Necessary for Shaping a Culture of Biodiversity in a Transdisciplinary Approach

Claudia Marian

Cluj Napoca Technical University (Romania)

Revisiting Analogical Reasoning in the Science Teaching: From the Reception to the Production Paradigm

Nikolaos Fotou

University of Lincoln (United Kingdom)

Teacher Professional Development
Title of Abstract Name Institution
A Proposed Framework on Simulation-embedded Scaffolding of Problem-based Learning for Science Teachers

Judicial Sebatana

North-West University Self-Directed Learning (South Africa)

Aubrey Golightly

North-West University Self-Directed Learning (South Africa)

The Affordances of Change Laboratories in Science Teacher Professional Development

Josef de Beer

Research Unit Self-Directed Learning, North-West University (South Africa)

Elsa Mentz

Research Unit Self-Directed Learning, North-West University (South Africa)


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