New Perspectives in Science Education

Edition 14

Accepted Abstracts

Involving Girls-Child in Test Scoring in the Classroom to Enhance Understanding and Achievement in Chemistry in Secondary School in Nigeria

Bernadette Ezeliora, Anambra State University (Nigeria)


Chemistry as science is very vital in the development of technology but it records low enrolment among girls in secondary school in Nigeria. Many girls perceive Chemistry as too intricate and abstract to understand especially chemical calculations, organic chemistry and physical chemistry.  Many factors are responsible for the general low enrolment of students in chemistry including boys. This study wishes to determine the pedagogical implications on girl-child’s understanding of chemistry concept. The problem of this study is: To what extent can involving the girl-child in test scoring in the classroom enhance her understanding and achievement in chemistry in secondary school in Nigeria? Generally, learners are neglected in the evaluation exercise thereby depriving them of the opportunity of appreciating the errors they can correct as they solve chemistry problems. Error minimisation in chemistry can be achieved if students participate in identification of their own error. Thus an instructional strategy that integrate error identification may provide the requisite panacea for the endemic poor understanding and achievement in chemistry among secondary school girls in Nigeria

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