Connecting Exercises and Video Tutorials to Support Teaching/Learning Processes in University Chemistry Education
Dennis Roggenkämper, georg-august-university göttingen, institute of inorganic chemistry, department of chemistry education, tammannstrasse 4, d-37077 göttingen (Germany)
Thomas Waitz, Georg-August-University Göttingen, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry Education, Tammannstrasse 4, D-37077 Göttingen (Germany) (Germany)
In this contribution we will present a project for chemistry students in their freshmen years supporting teaching/learning processes, in which solutions for typical exercises are being presented in the form of complementary video tutorials. The main goal of these so-called sets is the revision of specific subject matter in order to close possible knowledge gaps. Each video contains step-by-step explanations and clarifications, appealing to a broad spectrum of students with varying degrees of prior knowledge [1, 2].The provided explanations are based on distinct learning principles such as the learning from textbook examples, the interlinking of representational levels in terms of Connected Chemistry, as well as learning by means of graduated teaching aids. Depending on the students’ prior knowledge, the sets may have different purposes in the students’ learning processes such as: (a) the revision of fundamental knowledge, (b) the verification of results, (c) the introduction and reflection of alternate approaches, (d) supporting the acquisition and consolidation of self-diagnostic skills, and hence (e) supporting the enhancement of self-regulated learning competencies [3, 4].Additionally, these sets offer various opportunities for the individualization of teaching/learning processes, with the goal of counteracting the students’ heterogeneous prerequisites. We will therefore present several options for the implementation of these sets into educational settings, e.g. using concepts such as the Flipped Classroom method.
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