New Perspectives in Science Education

Edition 14

Accepted Abstracts

Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Challenge: SWOC Analysis of Bosscha Observatory as the only Observatory Supporting Astronomy Education in Indonesia

Dwi Yoshafetri Yuna, Department of Astronomy, Bandung Institute of Technology (Indonesia)


Since human started gazing the starry skies and wondered how the universe began, astronomy became the oldest science in the world. As astronomy education developed, the technology in astronomy observation developed. It usually stimulated the growth of technology in the other disciplines. Along with the growth of astronomy education whole the world, astronomy education in Indonesia thrived and became one that being counted in South-East Asia. It is Bosscha Observatory, the main facility and the only observatory in Indonesia supporting the growth of astronomy education. Bosscha Observatory is legally managed under Insititut Teknologi Bandung (Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia), administer Bachelor, Master and Ph. D degree in Astronomy.  Becoming more problematic since it is not only responsible in performing education, but also bearing astronomy-based research and public service (public outreach) in Indonesia. The study performs a SWOC analysis as a worth instrument to serve Bosscha Observatory with a comprehensive view in both internal and external aspects affecting its role as the only observatory supporting astronomy education. Strength, weakness, opportunity and challenge will be thoroughly identified in order to utilize strengths and opportunities, minimalize weaknesses and face the challenges for a better astronomy education in Indonesia.


Keywords: SWOC analysis, Bosscha Observatory, astronomy education

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