New Perspectives in Science Education

Edition 14

Accepted Abstracts

CLIL Teaching in Physics: Methodologies and Technological Innovations

Moreno Concezzi, Roma Tre University (Italy)


CLIL is an acronym invented by David Marsh e Anne Maljers in 1994, it means Content abd Language  Integrated Learning. It respresents a new kind of learning, usually for the student of the secondary high school, which pairs the teaching of non-linguistic subjects in a foreign language, by the using of innovative methodologies. This kind of teaching represents one of the most important elements about modernization of European innovation systems. In fact, in particuar for teacher, this approach presupposes an high linguistic level (equal or greater than C2). In this paper, starting from the classical elements which composes a CLIL lesson, we will expose new methodologies about this kind of teaching, taking into accout the aim of enhancin' students' motivation, to strengthen their knowledge, in particular, about Physics, We will present also new technological approaches by the help of classroom's instrument (digital whiteboard, notebook, tablet, etc) and mobile devices proper of the everyday life of the students. It can be used many online platforms to produce interactive lessons, quizzes, etc. In this way the problem solving approach, cooperative learning tasked based go fundamental, by the using of various learning styles (visual, auditory…). In this way the student becomes the center of the learning process through significant processes. They will be also studied difficulties about this methodology and possible ways to avoid them. Examples about this kind of lessons will be presented.

Keywords: New Technologies for Science Teaching, Science Education Resources and Activities, Science Teaching Methods.


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