New Perspectives in Science Education

Edition 14

Accepted Abstracts

Training of Trainers Stem Build Program for Primary Science Teachers: An Initiative Towards Stem Education in School

Rose Amnah Abd Rauf, University of Malaya (Malaysia)

Mohamad Sattar Rasul, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (Malaysia)

Renuka Sathasivam, University of Malaya (Malaysia)

Suzieleez Syrene Abd Rahim, University of Malaya (Malaysia)


STEM education in Malaysia is new and is outlined in the Malaysian Blueprint 2013-20125 as initiatives to increase STEM field participation.  STEM initiatives is a continuous process starting from preschool until tertiary level to ensure participation in the STEM fields hence providing STEM workforce.  Therefore, it is necessary for teachers to be equipped with knowledge and teaching approach for STEM education especially from primary school because this is the level where students needs to build foundation to science and build connection with the real life situation. This is to ensure that the mindset towards STEM fields can be cultivated and sown from early schooling level. Teachers of primary schools in Malaysia are still new in STEM education to understand let alone to apply the STEM pedagogical approach in schools. Thus, the responsibility of a primary teacher is to ensure interest in science is applied and maintained using an effective STEM pedagogical approach so that students are more incline to investigate and explore matters related to science. Thus, this paper will share experiences of how the teachers were implemented and the impact obtained by the teachers in preparation to implement STEM education in primary schools.

Keywords: STEM education, STEM pedagogical approach, training of trainers.


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