New Perspectives in Science Education

Edition 14

Accepted Abstracts

Student’s Gender and its Impact on Science Related Subject Learning Quality

Normunds Balabka, Riga Technical University (Latvia)


In our society is a presumption that training and training result’s quality close depends on the student’s gender. For instance, - male students better learn such subjects as Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and so on. By contrast language’s, social and humanitarian subjects or courses successfully acquire female students.

Based on the above mentioned objectives of the study is to find out whether the student gender is considered to be a significant factor that influence the successful acquisition of science-based subjects.

As a basis of the study was used general educational schools, where implement primary and secondary school curricula. The study included 762 students from primary and secondary level. During the study were analysed disciplines such a Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Economics, History and Visual Arts.

The main research methods were quantitative methods, such as correlation analysis method (for instance Hi square method), and others.

Result of the research shows that in most of cases there were differences in acquisition of the subjects taking in to account the student gender.

Taking into account the above mentioned study results, in the further study were identified this distinction possible cause ore factors that promotes formation of the mentioned differences, as well, it was necessary to find out methods or approaches that can be integrated in the learning process in order to minimize the students gender impact on subjects learning quality.


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