New Perspectives in Science Education

Edition 14

Accepted Abstracts

Teachers Training Programs on Classroom Management: A Systematic Literature Review

Jonida Lesha, University of Shkodra “Luigj Gurakuqi” (Albania)


Teachers’ training programs are necessary in order to enhance teachers' skills, knowledge and performance, also to enable them to be more effective. Furthermore, training programs play a crucial role, as it is through training that teachers' skills and attitudes can be changed. Many studies has concluded that training programs are of vital importance to teachers and to governments to pass on the latest innovations in teaching methods/strategies and new curricula.

This article aims to systematically review research about the classroom management training programs published between 2005 and 2016, analyzing their main results and suggestions for future studies. In the literature search, which aimed at identifying studies in which the these training programs were implemented, the author investigated through  Google scholar; also the author focused on peer-reviewed journal articles, abstract collections and PhD thesis.  The results indicate that the most successful programs were implemented in U.S.A and in some devoped European countries. The literature review shows that most of this programs had a significant impact on teachers classroom management skills and students outcomes.

Keywords: classroom management,teacher,training program, literature review.


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[11] Ysseldyke, J., & Christenson, S. (1994). TIES-II: The instructional environment system-II. A system to identify a student's instructional needs



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