Enhancing STEM Learning Using Augmented Reality
Ibrahim Takkoush, Lebanese American University (Lebanon)
Technology has always been at the forefront of education. From the days of using the chalkboard to our present day, where most classrooms are equipped with sophisticated devices, technology continues to extend the potentials of education. One of the newly developing technologies is augmented reality, which allows the overlaying of virtual imagery into the real physical world in real time. Research findings showed that this type of immersive learning enhances the motivation and engagement of students, and also stimulates critical thinking. Moreover, technology is an integral component of STEM education, thus contextualizing augmented reality in STEM will unquestionably support this approach and promote its success. The simplest form of this technology requires a downloadable app, a smart device, and Internet connection. Hence, adopting augmented reality is highly applicable since the number of schools incorporating the tablet into their classrooms is escalating. Accordingly, this paper presents my experience in teaching anatomy for a Middle school class, using augmented reality.
Keywords: Augmented Reality, STEM Education;