Pedagogical Content Knowledge: The case of Simple Machines
Lina Melo, Dept. Science and Mathematics Education, University of Extremadura, Badajoz. (Spain)
From studies of Shulman (1986 ) have been developed different investigations so fruitful, they relate the nature, characteristics and implications of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) in the professional knowledge of teachers. Several investigations (Nilsson, 2014; Melo-Niño et al. 2017) have shown that although the academic knowledge: psychopedagogical knowledge, knowledge of the subject matter, science knowledge and teaching and learning knowledge, are essential in training and professional development but, they are not sufficient, teachers require scenarios where they recognize and develop their PCK on specific topics of their teaching. The present work forms part of a broader study that analyses the evolution of preschool and primary school student teacher' pedagogical content knowledge in science education. Sixty student teachers participate in this study and the topic select was simple machines. The systematization of data and its analysis were conducted following the techniques of content analysis. We used as a measuring instrument, the representation content (CoRe). For coding, we were taken as referents: orientation towards science teaching, knowledge about the curriculum, knowledge about pupils' understanding of science, knowledge of instructional strategies, and knowledge of assessment in science. Our results show that student teacher’s use forces model as a scientific basis to characterize the operation of simple machines, and only few student teacher’s use an energy model. On the other hand, the main idea that sustains the organization of content is that where machines are instruments that save efforts in the execution of any task. Your strategies and the sequence of teaching does not take into account the needs and difficulties of your future students on the learning of the simple machines. Finally, student teacher’s describe the evaluation activities of general form and it did not have relationship with the teaching objectives.
Keywords: [missing]
[1] Melo-Niño, L., Cañada, F., & Mellado, V. (2017). Initial Characterization of a Colombian High School Physics Teacher’s Pedagogical Content Knowledge on Electric Fields. Research in Science Education. 47 (3), 25-48
[2] Nilsson, P. (2014). When Teaching Makes a Difference: Developing science teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge through learning study. International Journal of Science Education, 36(11), 1794–1814.
[3] Shulman, L. (1986). Those who understand: Knowledge Growth in Teaching. Educational Researcher, 15(2), 4-14.