New Perspectives in Science Education

Edition 14

Accepted Abstracts

Digital Transformation in Saudi Higher Education: EFL Instructors' Perspectives and Challenges

Mohammad Ali ALGhamdi, Correspondence: Mohammad Ali Al-Ghamdi, Associate professor of Applied Linguistics (CALL), Department of the Social Sciences and Humanities, Applied College, Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia. (Saudi Arabia)


In this age of electronicism, being computer literate has more to do with a necessity rather than a skill, especially in the field of education. Our study investigates how English language instructors in Saudi Arabia are coping with this new world of technology. After speaking with 30 instructors, we really imagined their experiences, challenging aspects, and triumphs to have drawing technology into the fold. What we found was a tale of two halves. On one side is exhibited the unabashed enthusiasm that is exuded by these educators to use technology. They're not just using tech for the sake of it, they see its powerful potential to make language learning more engaging and effective. They're trying everything from online platforms to multimedia experiments to bring their classrooms to life. Naturally, it can't be all good. They face real barriers – things like limited, and in some cases unreliable, access to the tech they need, not enough training to really make the most of the tools available, and, in some places, the kind of infrastructure that makes you feel as though you're a bit behind. Our study shines a light on the need for more than just tools. We need more in-depth training rather than just the basic skills, and it is important to have equal opportunity of all tutors excelling in a digital classroom environment regardless of where they are placed.


e-learning, Saudi context, higher education, TEFL, challenges



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