Enhancing the Digital Competencies among Educators Using Minecraft Under the 21st Design Learning Framework
Wee Ling Tan, Seameo Recsam (Malaysia)
In the ever-evolving education landscape, integrating technology has become imperative for fostering dynamic and engaging learning environments (Linda, 2020). Nevertheless, educators may need help with technology tools due to limited training or exposure to modern educational technologies (Linda, 2020; Munna & Kalam, 2021). Furthermore, if technology tools are not aligned with the curriculum or seem incompatible with learning goals, educators may hesitate to use them in their teaching. Therefore, educators need ongoing professional development to be effective practitioners, strengthening their skills (Carlyon et al., 2017; Linda, 2020), especially in the 21st century. The purpose of the study was to find out how science educators were taught STEM subjects using Minecraft Education technology. This research examined the differences in teaching skills between the 39 educators teaching skills in STEM subjects after being exposed to Minecraft Education intervention for five weeks. A pre-experimental design with pre-test, post-test, and delayed post-test was used in this research. The data was collected using the Digital Competencies Questionnaire to measure the teaching skills with Minecraft Education of the educators. ANOVA with Repeated Measures Test was conducted to assess the effectiveness of using technology in Minecraft Education from pre-test to post-test and from post-test to delayed post-test. The results demonstrated equal enhancement, favorable retention, and acceptability when science educators used the Minecraft Education. Minecraft Education offers a unique approach to integrating STEM principles into learning effortlessly. Because of its adaptability, interactive experiences that align with the fundamentals of STEM education can be created. Educators can use Minecraft Education to turn traditional teaching strategies into engaging, student-focused experiences.
Keyword : Minecraft Education; Science Educators; STEM Education; STEM subjects
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- Linda la Velle (2020). Teacher education: the transformation of transitions in learning to teach. Journal of Education for Teaching, 46:2, 141-144. DOI: 10.1080/02607476.2020.1737374
- Munna, A. S., & Kalam, M. A. (2021). Teaching and learning process to enhance teaching effectiveness: a literature review. International Journal of Humanities and Innovation (IJHI), 4(1), 1–4. https://doi.org/10.33750/ijhi.v4i1.102