New Perspectives in Science Education

Edition 14

Accepted Abstracts

How a Systems Approach to Teaching Helps Students Develop Systems Thinking

Nicole Andreoli, SUPSI, Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana (Switzerland)

Luca Reggiani, SUPSI, Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana (Switzerland)


The analysis of the impact of a complex teaching system on the development of systems thinking revealed that the enhancement of different cognitive styles in a classroom through dynamic teaching leads students to complex thinking. In the context of environmental education [1], it was developed through the action research method [2], a path for studying the dynamics of invasive neophytes. A classroom is a complex system made of individuals with their own way of thinking in which different cognitive styles [3] come together. The role of the teacher has been that of embracing and enhancing this multitude of cognitive styles by integrating them into the teaching style. Systems thinking [4] becomes part of being a teacher and manifests itself in the versatility and dynamism of the activities and materials proposed, which put the students in the ideal condition of fostering critical, reflective, and holistic way of thinking. Starting from a situation in which the class didn’t ask questions when faced with the surrounding reality, this research indicates that being in varied stimulus situations pushes students to think in complex ways. The richness of these results lies in the peer-to-peer comparison between students: the discussion of different points of view leads to the collaborative construction of system thinking. This action research shows that even with young students it is possible to analyze articulated issues in all their complexity. The results underscore the importance of an inclusive, complex, and systemic teaching approach to support students in exploring their potential, experimenting with different cognitive styles to enrich their cognitive strategies, and developing
systems thinking.
Keywords: Environmental Education – Invasive Neophytes – Systems thinking – Cognitive styles – Action research.
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