New Perspectives in Science Education

Edition 14

Accepted Abstracts

STEM Education for the Inclusion of Romani Children and Students in Bulgaria: Researching the Attitudes of Primary Teachers

Diyana Dimitrova, University of Veliko Tarnovo ‘St. Cyril and St. Methodius’; University of Veliko Tarnovo (Bulgaria)


In Bulgaria, a national program for the modernization of the school environment through the construction of educational STEM centres is being implemented. By the end of 2026, it is planned that this investment will become a reality, and in every Bulgarian school, regardless of its status - elementary, primary or secondary - a STEM learning environment will be created. The expectation is that in this way, good educational opportunities and an equal start for education will be provided to all children, regardless of their ethnic origin. Teachers will be able to successfully combine play, research and interdisciplinary approaches to achieve their educational goals. They will be able to apply various innovative methods, resources and teaching techniques to form in the students entrepreneurial attitudes, creative thinking and skills for the 21st century. This study aims to explore the attitudes of primary teachers towards the implementation of the STEM approach for the integration of Romani children and students. Through surveys and interviews with teachers, the research will analyze how they perceive the effectiveness of STEM education for the inclusion of Romani children and students, and what challenges they encounter in the process. Good practices will be presented for inclusion of Romani students through STEM education in primary school. The results will provide valuable information for improving educational practices and policies aimed at the integration of Romani children in the Bulgarian educational system.



STEM education, inclusive education, educational integration, children and students of Romani ethnic origin.



[1] STEM centers and innovation in education. National STEM Center

[2] National strategy for Romani integration (2012-2020)



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