New Perspectives in Science Education

Edition 14

Accepted Abstracts

Formulation, Resolution and Revision of Mathematical Problems in Cooperation in a 3rd grade classroom

Ricardo Miranda, Higher School of Education in Lisbon (Portugal)

Luís Mestre, Higher School of Education in Lisbon (Portugal)

Joana Osório, Higher School of Education in Lisbon (Portugal)


Since the last century, problem-solving has been assigned a central role in the mathematics curriculum (1), recently enshrined in the guiding document for Essential Learning in Portugal (2). Despite this focus, students continue to face and express difficulties when tasked with problem solving. In this sense, encouraging students to write, review, share and solve their own problems (3), can prove important, in improving their skills in this area. Thus, this study seeks to understand students perception regarding the formulation, resolution and revision of problems and how performing these tasks in cooperation with their peers can encourage them to create more and better problems statements, as well as solve them more successfully. This study was conducted with a group of 20 students from a 3rd grade class, in de first cycle of basic education, and had the following specific objectives: (i) characterize students perceptions regarding mathematical problems formulated by themselves, and their peers; (ii) characterize studentsperceptions regarding cooperative discussions about mathematical problems formulated by themselves and their peers; (iii) characterize students perceptions of the characteristics of the mathematical problems they formulated and those formulated by their peers; (iv) characterize students perceptions of the learning promoted by mathematical problems they and their peers formulated and solved; (v) identify potential improvements in the formulation, resolution, and revision of problems resulting from the specifics strategies implemented. This study is qualitative in nature, using action-research methodological procedures. Data collection techniques, included exploratory analysis of documents, direct and participative observation, field notes, and semi-structured questionnaires. The data was processed using categorical content analysis. The results allowed us to better understand the processes explicitly described by the students, in data treatment]  mobilization of grammar, writing, reading, and interpretative coorrelation in portuguese, as well as the importance of the task of formulating and solving problems in cooperation for acquiring mathematical, social, and linguistic/communication skills.


Problem formulation; problema resolution; problema revision; cooperation.


[1] National Council os Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). (1989). Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics. NCTM. 

[2] Direção-Geral da Educação (DGE). (2021). Aprendizagens essenciais - Articulação com o perfil dos alunos: 3.º ano - 1.º ciclo do ensino básico matemática. República Portuguesa. e_mat_3.o_ano.pdf

[3] Boavida, A. R., Paiva, A., Cebola, G., Vale, I., & Pimentel, T. (2008). A experiência matemática no ensino básico: programa de formação contínua em matemática para professores dos 1.º e 2.º ciclos do ensino básico. Ministério da Educação/Direção Geral de Inovação e de Desenvolvimento Curricular.


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