New Perspectives in Science Education

Edition 14

Accepted Abstracts

Biology Systems in STEM Open Education for Teacher Training

Marina Minoli, Royal Society of Biology,United Kingdom Biologists Order Federation, STEM DidaInnovaLab, Italy (Italy)


The fundamental purpose of this project was to design and implement a creative and reasoned operational innovation in high school teacher training. Motivate and re-motivate teachers in their being masters of culture by creating modern seminars and innovative interactive and participatory STEM teaching laboratories, proposing the culture of teaching biosciences with a systemic approach that identifies in the integrated learning of different disciplines and in Systems Biology an opportunity to cultivate transversal skills that will be increasingly important for future generations to study complex problems. A systemic perspective with multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches to promote motivating work experiences of teachers today in the classroom during class hours. investigating with the method of research and discovery of the world of biosciences. Concepts, experimental descriptions, considerations, analyses, information and contents that are transformed into motivating elements of didactic itineraries that integrate proteomics, genomics, biophysics and biomedicine improving the critical thinking skills and creative skills of students. Approaches to study that lead to overcoming the separation of different disciplinary knowledge in favor of an interdisciplinary approach introduced into the world of science by the american biologist Leroy Hood who has well presented reflections also on the possible didactic implications in terms of methodological innovation of this method of investigation in scientific research. Research methods that require an interdisciplinary theoretical and practical approach to study, involving chemistry, physics, computer science, proteomics, genomics and postgenomics, analysis of interactions between complex macromolecules, cellular morphofunctional analysis, promoting the integration and interaction between different skills. The educational value in making high school students aware of this new method of analysis of living beings is significant, seeking and identifying biochemical and physiological connections at a cellular and molecular level. It is exciting and engaging in the scientific communities of the classroom to introduce in teacher training open science education for bioscience. Research that studies organisms as systems that change over time, biological systems that are the result of different dynamics, parts and structures organized at different degrees of complexity. Modern action research activities that promote educational passion in teachers into integrated training innovation for a new perspective in science education.



STEM Systems Teaching and Learning; Innovative Teacher training; Interdisciplinary science education; multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary didactics approaches; Biology Systems for science open education



Tammy M. Long et al, “ Systems thinking in Biology Teaching and learning”, Front. Ed. - STEM Education, 03 2024

Marina BA Minoli, “ How the teacher training and professional development could improve the STEM innovative challenges also for recruitment and retention”, International ATEE Conference acts, Bergamo University, 6/2024

M.Minoli, “Biology Systems Education in High School”, New Secondary School, Studium Editor, 09/2018


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