New Perspectives in Science Education

Edition 14

Accepted Abstracts

Stories of Food, Walking Groups and Health: Narrative Approach as a Treatment Strategy in People Suffering from Chronic Renal Failure. Training Experience in ASLTO3 (IT)

Sabrina Grigolo, Rn, MSc, Phd, ASLTO3 (Italy)

Stella Volpe, ASLTo3 (Italy)

Debora Artusio, ASLTo3 (Italy)

Giuliana Tognarelli, ASLTo3 (Italy)

Barbara Chiapusso, ASLTo3 (Italy)

Luisella Audisio, ASLTo3 (Italy)


Therapeutic patient education is an effective intervention that has been shown to help people living with chronic conditions to better manage their illness and thereby achieve improved health outcomes, use of resources and quality of life. It has great potential for improving the lives of patients, while simultaneously easing the strain on health systems [1,2]. Self-management is what patients living with chronic conditions do in order to manage their disease and prevent complications, balancing their lives with the illness and its daily challenges so as to achieve their best outcomes, and shift the perspective from illness to wellness. Narratives interventions can be provided by health professionals and/or patients. Patients can also have a key role in shaping services through processes such as co-design
[1,2]. The aim of the experience is to describe the training module carried out at the Nephrology and Dialysis Department of ASLTO3 based on narrative methods. The objective of the narrative practice on real time was to bring out the self-knowledge and self-reflection of chronic patients and healthcare professionals regarding adherence to dietary and physical activity recommendations.
Conclusions: The shared decision making requires awareness on self-care and self-management regarding to the expected diagnostic-therapeutic and healthcare pathway. Knowing what will happen and what will have to be done, therefore, become foundamental concept for achieving high levels of adherence to therapy and recommendations. Giving priority to teaching methods based on the engagement of patients and caregivers is increasingly becoming a strong recommendation to influence changes in daily lifestyles
Keywords: Self-care, self-monitoring, narrative methods, patient engagement
[1] World Health Organization. (1998). Therapeutic patient education: continuing education programmes for health care providers in the field of prevention of chronic diseases: report of a WHO working group (No. EUR/ICP/QCPH 01 01 03 Rev. 2). World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe.
[2] World Health Organization. (2023). Therapeutic patient education: an
introductory guide. In Therapeutic patient education: an introductory guide.

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