New Perspectives in Science Education

Edition 14

Accepted Abstracts

Using Spectroscopy to Understand Quantum Mechanics in Upper Secondary School: a Historical and Experimental Approach

Dora Stella Lombardi, Saint Camillus International University of Health and Medical Sciences, Rome; Liceo Lucio Anneo Seneca, Rome (Italy)

Teresa Celestino, CAFIS, Roma Tre University, Rome; I.I.S. Guglielmo Marconi, Latina (Italy)


Introducing undergraduate science students to quantum physics without using too many mathematical formalisms they are not prepared for, is a necessity [1]. Even more challenging is dealing with the fundamental concepts of quantum mechanics in the classical and scientific Liceo, an Italian upper secondary school where historical-philosophical subjects are studied in depth: chemistry syllabus of Liceo requires teaching these concepts in the third year, while they are treated in physics only in the fifth year. However, a first approach to quantum mechanics for chemistry teaching can be an advantage with the appropriate strategies [2]; for example, using a historical and experimental approach, in particular through spectroscopy [3]. This contribution aims to illustrate the usefulness of an approach centered on spectroscopic experiments starting from the laboratory "Light and molecules", initially implemented within PLS (“Piano Lauree Scientifiche”, Scientific Degrees Project) and training for career guidance actions called PCTO (Percorsi per le Competenze Trasversali e l'Orientamento) [4], then suitably improved during its subsequent applications.



Quantum mechanics; spectroscopy; chemical education.



[1] Greca, I.M., Freire, O. Jr. (2014). Teaching introductory quantum physics and chemistry: caveats from the history of science and science teaching to the training of modern chemists. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 15(3), 286-296.

[2] Villani, G. (2020). Studiare gli atomi e le molecole nei licei. Alcune considerazioni generali. Nuova Secondaria, 2, 42-45.

[3] McPherson, P.A.C., Alphonso, L., Johnston, B.M. (2024). The quantum mechanics of skincare: A context for the biochemistry curriculum. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, 52(4), 403-410.

[4] Lombardi, D.S., Cimino, R., Rossi, G., Venanzi, M. (2021). ‘Light and Molecules’: an experimental approach to the understanding of basic concepts of Quantum Mechanics. In Book of abstracts of SCI2021 - XXVII Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana (14-23/09/21), p. DID OR005.


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