The Application of the Inclusive Education’s Legal Guidelines within the Teaching-learning-assessment of Mathematics: A Case Study
Ricardo Vicente, Institute of Education, Lusófona University, Portugal (Portugal)
Louise Lima, CeiEd - Lusófona University, Portugal (Portugal)
Mathematics is often perceived as a challenging subject, accessible to few yet essential in society. In Portugal, the 2007 publication of Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (NCTM, 2000) initiated discussions on equity and excellence in mathematics education for all. This was reinforced in 2014 by Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All (NCTM, 2014), which also highlighted access and equity as key principles. In 2018, three essential documents were enacted in Portugal: the Legal Framework for Inclusive Education (Decree-Law 54/2018), the Legal Framework for Curricular Flexibility (Decree-Law 55/2018) and the Essential Learning for Mathematics in Basic Education (Dispatch 6944-A/2018). Together, these documents represent essential tools for mathematics teachers to ensure quality education. This abstract refers to an ongoing doctoral research and investigates teaching-learning-assessment practices deployed in Mathematics' lessons, focusing on equity, differentiation and inclusion. By using a qualitative approach within the interpretative paradigm, it employs an intrinsic and explanatory case study in order to understand how the current legal framework for Inclusive Education relates to meaningful learning of the knowledge, skills and attitudes outlined in the Essential Learning for Mathematics. Conducted in a school in Porto, the aforementioned study involves the participation of two Mathematics teachers, of two year 5 and two year 6 classes, together with their 80 students and a permanent member of the Multidisciplinary Team for Inclusive Education, responsible for implementing and monitoring inclusive practices in the school. We strongly believe that research in this area, still underdeveloped, can significantly contribute to success in Mathematics.
Keywords: Mathematics Education, Inclusion, Equity, Differentiation
[1] Canavarro, A. et al. (2021). Aprendizagens Essenciais do Ensino Básico. ME DGE.
[2] Decree-Law n. 54/2018, 6 july 2018. Diário da República, series, n. 129.
[3] Decree-Law n. 55/2018, 6 july 2018. Diário da República, series, n. 129.
[4] National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (2000). Principles and standards for school mathematics. Reston, VA: Author.
[5] National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (2014). Principles to actions: Ensuring mathematical success for all. Reston, VA: Author.