Origin of the Universe and Universal Sciences
Eisha Sandamali Yaman Sapuge, Diyasen University (Sri Lanka)
Even though modern sciences have advanced to their optimum level today by dominating all fields, it has created critical world uncertainties in every field. This is because, it is based on unresolved fundamentals such as time, mass, light, speed of light, universe’s origin, big-bang theory, space-time curve, and evolution theory. In consequence, physical, nonphysical, living, and spiritual concepts exist in distinct fields with no relationship. We unveil unparalleled unprecedented science education known as Origin of the Universe and Universal Sciences (OUUS), with absolute fundamentals to solve the above crises. Starting from the universe’s origin, we explain all sciences of creation, existence, and destruction of plants, beings, matter, galaxies, and consciousness. The universe originated from three elements light, mass, and time. Thereafter, the universe created a cube called Force Cube from which all other creations originated. The universe first established the theories or plans of all creations and following that, the consciousness and objects were created. The human brain comes from the universe’s origin by carrying the methodology used to create everything mentioned above. When you study OUUS, the universe’s infinite creative force, and energy connect directly with your brain and awakens hidden potentials. By transcending all existing sciences, we present the following subjects under universal sciences to explain the universe’s creations
Keywords: universe’s origin, awakening genes, time traveling