New Perspectives in Science Education

Edition 14

Speaker Profile

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Einat Sprinzak

Institution: The Davidson Institute for Science Education

Address: 11 Hakfar St.

Postal Code: 55525

Country: Israel

Einat is the director of the “Shavit” scientific excellence program for high achievement middle school students at the Davidson Institute of Science Education, the educational arm of the Weizmann Institute of Science. The program provides multi-level support for middle schools that includes curriculum development, training and support for teachers, lab equipment, and student evaluation tools. She also the founder and head of the computational biology program – “Moach”. Moach biology is a three years program for outstanding students, that provides scientific programing and big data tools to address questions in biology at the genomics era. It credits the students with a matriculation certificate.

Einat has completed her undergraduate studies in biology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and earned her M.Sc in computational biology at Tel-Aviv University. She then worked in the biotech industry as a computational biologist in the bioinformatic research group, at Incyte Pharmaceutical Inc., Palo-Alto, CA, USA and at QBI Enterprises, Ltd., Nes-Ziona, Israel. After a few years in the industry, she went back to the academia and did her Ph.D. in computational biology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. After graduation she moved with her family to the United States and became a post-doctoral research fellow at the University of California, Los-Angeles (UCLA). She conducted research on renewable energy as a recipient of Ruth L. Kirschstein NIH award. She is an author of several scientific papers publish in high tier scientific journals.

Einat is also involved in promoting science education for girls. These activities include initiation of teacher workshops for different strategies to engage girls into STEM education, and conducting research on the perception of physics studies among girls in junior high and high schools.

In addition to her work at the Davidson Institute, Einat was, for several years, had a teaching position at the Medical Laboratory Science program at the Hadassah Academic College in Jerusalem, where she taught advanced molecular biology courses.

Areas of expertise: computational biology, programming, molecular biology, curriculum development, teacher training, high achievement students, middle school education.

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