New Perspectives in Science Education

Edition 14

Speaker Profile

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Volkan Hasan Kaya

Institution: Department Biology Education, Institute of Science Education

Country: Germany

Volkan Hasan KAYA was a student at Gazi University, Faculty of Education, Kırsehir, Department of Primary Education, Science Education Programme from 2004 to 2008.

Mr. Kaya obtained a Master of Education in science education in 2011 from Ahi Evran University. He wrote his master thesis which was the first successfully completed his thesis of Science Institution. His masters’ dissertation titled ‘The views concerning the factors which affect science and technology teachers’ professional development’. Mr. Kaya taught science for 3 years as a science teacher in Turkey after graduating master degree.

Currently, Mr. Kaya is working on his Ph.D. thesis at the University of Bremen (Institute for Science Education). His Ph.D. Project topic is related to environmental literacy in science education.

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