Klaudius Hartl
Institution: Private University of Education Diocese of Linz
Address: Spaunstraße 60
Postal Code: 4020
Country: Austria
1981-86 Studies: Teacher of Design & Technology and Visual Education at the Hochschule für künstlerische und industrielle Gestaltung in Linz
1986 Diploma
1986-94 Assistant at the Hochschule für künstlerische und industrielle Gestaltung in Linz, Department of Technology and Design
1989-92 Inter-university doctoral studies at the Mozarteum in Salzburg (faculty of teacher education) and at the University of Salzburg (institute for educational sciences)
1992 Doctorate
1997/98 Course for the tasks of a supervisor in the school and teaching internship
1986-2010 Continuous teaching at several high schools / lessons in the subjects "Technical Works" and "Educational Education:
Bundesrealgymnasium Linz, Fadingerstraße
Bundesrealgymnasium Linz, Landwiedstraße
Bundesrealgymnasium Linz, solarCity
2007 Teaching assignment for the school practice, University for Artistic and Industrial Design in Linz, Institute of Visual Education
since 2010 Teaching with full employment at the Private University of Education Diocese of Linz, Department of Design and Technology,
Teacher education for primary and secondary education
since 2013 Coordinator for Design and Technology at the Private University of Education Diocese of Linz
since 2012 Member of the Austrian Society for Didactics (ÖGFD)
since 2013 Member of the Board of the Federal Association for the Education of Handicraft (BAGWE)
Publications Design & Technik. Überlegungen zur bildungstheoretischen Fundierung und zu den fachlichen Bezugsfeldern aus ganzheitlicher Sicht.. - in: BÖKWE (2017) 1, S. 162 - 165
Sitzen und ablegen - Produktentwicklung und deren bildungsrelevante Strukturen. - in: BÖKWE (2013) 2, S. 17 - 22
Technisches Werken im Lichte des Konstruktivismus. - in: BÖKWE (2012) 3, S. 18 - 22
Kühnes Siedlung in der Linzer Haydnstraße - Gestaltqualitäten und architekturhistorischer Kontext. - in: BÖKWE (2011) 3, S. 7 - 11
Schönheit und technische Bildung. - in: BÖKWE (2011) 4, S. 2 - 6
Didaktik einer Technische Bildung mit ganzheitlichem Ansatz. - in: Studientag „Hochschuldidaktisches Forum: Innovative Hochschullehre“. am: 29.09.2016
Areas of expertise Teaching of design and technology in primary and secondary education, basic research, didactic planning;
1986 Diploma
1986-94 Assistant at the Hochschule für künstlerische und industrielle Gestaltung in Linz, Department of Technology and Design
1989-92 Inter-university doctoral studies at the Mozarteum in Salzburg (faculty of teacher education) and at the University of Salzburg (institute for educational sciences)
1992 Doctorate
1997/98 Course for the tasks of a supervisor in the school and teaching internship
1986-2010 Continuous teaching at several high schools / lessons in the subjects "Technical Works" and "Educational Education:
Bundesrealgymnasium Linz, Fadingerstraße
Bundesrealgymnasium Linz, Landwiedstraße
Bundesrealgymnasium Linz, solarCity
2007 Teaching assignment for the school practice, University for Artistic and Industrial Design in Linz, Institute of Visual Education
since 2010 Teaching with full employment at the Private University of Education Diocese of Linz, Department of Design and Technology,
Teacher education for primary and secondary education
since 2013 Coordinator for Design and Technology at the Private University of Education Diocese of Linz
since 2012 Member of the Austrian Society for Didactics (ÖGFD)
since 2013 Member of the Board of the Federal Association for the Education of Handicraft (BAGWE)
Publications Design & Technik. Überlegungen zur bildungstheoretischen Fundierung und zu den fachlichen Bezugsfeldern aus ganzheitlicher Sicht.. - in: BÖKWE (2017) 1, S. 162 - 165
Sitzen und ablegen - Produktentwicklung und deren bildungsrelevante Strukturen. - in: BÖKWE (2013) 2, S. 17 - 22
Technisches Werken im Lichte des Konstruktivismus. - in: BÖKWE (2012) 3, S. 18 - 22
Kühnes Siedlung in der Linzer Haydnstraße - Gestaltqualitäten und architekturhistorischer Kontext. - in: BÖKWE (2011) 3, S. 7 - 11
Schönheit und technische Bildung. - in: BÖKWE (2011) 4, S. 2 - 6
Didaktik einer Technische Bildung mit ganzheitlichem Ansatz. - in: Studientag „Hochschuldidaktisches Forum: Innovative Hochschullehre“. am: 29.09.2016
Areas of expertise Teaching of design and technology in primary and secondary education, basic research, didactic planning;