Mariaconcetta Canino
Institution: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche CNR istituto per la Microelettronica e Microsistemi IMM
Address: Via Piero Gobetti 101
Postal Code: 40129
Country: Italy

Mariaconcetta Canino is a researcher at the National Research Council of Italy (CNR). She holds a PhD in Physics and a post-graduation degree in European project management. In her research she studies material processing to produce electronic devices and solar cells.
Engaged in science communication since 2005, she led guided tours of the exhibition “Physics meets Bologna” organized for the world year of Physics. At present, she is collaborating with the project Raw Matters Ambassadors at Schools, funded by the European Institute of Innovation & Technology. She develops paths for transversal skills and orientation (PCTOs) and seminars both for a general public and for teachers. The aim of her activity is to link results of research projects with everyday life.
She is an evaluator of innovation project proposals for the Eurostars Programme.
Areas of expertise: Material science, Electronics, Photovoltaics, Optics, science dissemination, European Framework Programmes for research.
Engaged in science communication since 2005, she led guided tours of the exhibition “Physics meets Bologna” organized for the world year of Physics. At present, she is collaborating with the project Raw Matters Ambassadors at Schools, funded by the European Institute of Innovation & Technology. She develops paths for transversal skills and orientation (PCTOs) and seminars both for a general public and for teachers. The aim of her activity is to link results of research projects with everyday life.
She is an evaluator of innovation project proposals for the Eurostars Programme.
Areas of expertise: Material science, Electronics, Photovoltaics, Optics, science dissemination, European Framework Programmes for research.