Sule Bayraktar
Institution: Necmettin Erbakan UniversitynAhmet Kelesoglu Faculty of Education
Address: Ahmet Kelesoglu Egitim Fakultesi
Postal Code: 42090
Country: Turkey

Şule Bayraktar is an Associate Professor of Science Education.
She received her BS. Degree from Hacettepe University, Turkey, in Physics Engineering and MS. Degree from Celal Bayar University, Turkey, in physics. She received her PhD. Degree from Ohio University, USA, in Science Education, in 2000. She is currently affiliated with Ahmet Kelesoglu Faculty of Education of Necmettin Erbakan University in Turkey.
Sule Bayraktar teaches Science Methods courses to Primary Education majors. She also teaches and supervises on Masters courses. Her major research interests are concept development and misconceptions in science, and the effects of psychological constructs in science learning.
She received her BS. Degree from Hacettepe University, Turkey, in Physics Engineering and MS. Degree from Celal Bayar University, Turkey, in physics. She received her PhD. Degree from Ohio University, USA, in Science Education, in 2000. She is currently affiliated with Ahmet Kelesoglu Faculty of Education of Necmettin Erbakan University in Turkey.
Sule Bayraktar teaches Science Methods courses to Primary Education majors. She also teaches and supervises on Masters courses. Her major research interests are concept development and misconceptions in science, and the effects of psychological constructs in science learning.