Trisevgeni Liontou
Institution: Greek Ministry of Education
Country: Greece

Dr. Trisevgeni Liontou holds a Ph.D. in Linguistics with specialization in Testing from the Faculty of English Studies, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She holds a B.A. in English Language & Literature and an M.A. in Lexicography: Theory and Applications, both from the same faculty. She also holds a M.Sc. in Information Technology in Education from Reading University, UK. She has worked as an expert item consultant for AvantAssessment, USA, a research assistant at the Research Centre for Language Teaching, Testing and Assessment (RCeL) and as a freelance item writer, oral examiner and script rater for various EFL examination boards. She has presented in numerous national and international conferences and has published papers in the aforementioned fields. Her current research interests include theoretical and practical issues of on-line teaching practices, computational linguistics, reading comprehension and classroom-based assessment.