Michail Kalogiannakis
Institution: University of Crete, Department of Preschool Education
Country: Greece

I am Assistant Professor at the Department of Preschool Education at the University of Crete in Greece. I am also associate tutor at School of Humanities at the Hellenic Open University. I graduated the Physics Department at the University of Crete and continued my post-graduate studies at the University Paris 7-Denis Diderot (D.E.A. in Didactic of Science), University Paris 5-Rene; Descartes (D.E.A. in Science Education) and received my PhD at the University Paris 5-Rene; Descartes (PhD in Science Education) in France.
My field of specialization is science education at early childhood and some other current research interests concern science teaching and learning, ICT in science education, distant and adult education. During my academic career I have acquired valuable scientific experience that has enhanced my competences and scientific leadership potential. After the completion of my PhD, I worked as researcher at the French Pedagogical Institute and in different Greek institutions of tertiary education; an academic experience that equipped me with important organisational skills and had an important impact on my career building.
My field of specialization is science education at early childhood and some other current research interests concern science teaching and learning, ICT in science education, distant and adult education. During my academic career I have acquired valuable scientific experience that has enhanced my competences and scientific leadership potential. After the completion of my PhD, I worked as researcher at the French Pedagogical Institute and in different Greek institutions of tertiary education; an academic experience that equipped me with important organisational skills and had an important impact on my career building.