Emily Kang
Institution: Adelphi University
Country: United States
Emily Kang, PhD is an Assistant Professor in the Ruth S. Ammon School of Education. She earned her doctorate in science education in 2009 with a specialization in teacher education and professional development from the University of California Santa Barbara. Her research interests include supporting English Learners in science, children’s development of evidence-based explanations, bridging standardized testing and inquiry instruction, and fostering reading comprehension of expository text. She has over 12 years of classroom experience teaching elementary and middle school. In 2010, Emily was chosen among 250 science teachers across the nation to teach at The Equity Project Charter School in New York City. She has extensive experience leading workshops for teachers on the Next Generation Science Standards, edTPA, reading comprehension strategies of science text, inquirizing science lessons, and supporting teachers’ action research projects. She was awarded the Air Force Association Vandenberg Chapter’s Teacher of the Year Award in 2004.