Josette Farrugia
Institution: University of Malta
Country: Malta
Dr. Josette Farrugia has taught chemistry in Malta at secondary and post-secondary level for a number of years. She has also worked as the Principal Subject Area Officer for Sciences with the Matriculation and Secondary Education Certificate Examinations Board of the University of Malta (MATSEC).
She is currently a Senior Lecturer in Science Education and Head of the Department of Mathematics and Science Education of the Faculty of Education at the University of Malta.
Her research interests relate to various aspects of science education and educational assessment such as: problem solving; practical work and investigations; school-based assessment; inquiry-based learning and students' understanding of scientific ideas and concepts - especially those related to chemistry. Other research interests include language and science education and teachers’ professional development.
She is currently a Senior Lecturer in Science Education and Head of the Department of Mathematics and Science Education of the Faculty of Education at the University of Malta.
Her research interests relate to various aspects of science education and educational assessment such as: problem solving; practical work and investigations; school-based assessment; inquiry-based learning and students' understanding of scientific ideas and concepts - especially those related to chemistry. Other research interests include language and science education and teachers’ professional development.