Odilla Finlayson
Institution: CASTeL, Dublin City University
Country: Ireland

Dr. Odilla Finlayson is a senior lecturer in Science Education in the School of Chemical Sciences at Dublin City University (DCU) and is a member of Centre for the Advancement of Science and Mathematics Teaching and Learning (CASTeL) there. She is coordinator of the FP7 SAILS (2012-2015) project and was a member of the coordinating team on the FP7 ESTABLISH (2010-2014) project.
She is actively involved in teacher education at both pre-service and in-service levels as well as teaching chemistry to undergraduate science students. After 20 years working and researching in the area of heterogeneous catalysis, her research interests over the last 14 years are now focused on science education, in particular on visualisation in chemistry teaching, inquiry based approaches in teaching science (chemistry) at all educational levels coupled with appropriate assessment of learning. Her research also focuses on transitions – between primary level to second level and second to third level.
She is actively involved in teacher education at both pre-service and in-service levels as well as teaching chemistry to undergraduate science students. After 20 years working and researching in the area of heterogeneous catalysis, her research interests over the last 14 years are now focused on science education, in particular on visualisation in chemistry teaching, inquiry based approaches in teaching science (chemistry) at all educational levels coupled with appropriate assessment of learning. Her research also focuses on transitions – between primary level to second level and second to third level.