New Perspectives in Science Education

Edition 14


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Gina Mihai

Institution: European Schoolnet

Country: Belgium

Gina Mihai is the Science Projects Officer at European Schoolnet.

She completed her PhD in Chemistry, University of Al.I.Cuza, Iasi, Romania, in 2010. During her PhD, she has been involved in two FP7 research projects funded by the European Commission, one in collaboration with the University of Antwerp, Belgium and the other one in collaboration with Linköping University, Sweden.

Since 2011, Gina Mihai has constantly been working in the field of science education.
So far she has been involved in various science international projects managed by European Schoolnet: Global excursion, inGenious, Pathway, Scientix, UniSchooLabS, Quantum Spin Off on behalf of the European Commission’s Directorate General Research. managing EUN’s involvement in the LLP project Quantum Spin Off, deputy project manager of Scientix (The European Commission’s DG Research’s community for science education in Europe, created to facilitate regular dissemination and sharing of know-how and best practices in science education across the European Union,, and in charge of the overall evaluation of several projects like Spin Off and Amgen Teach, as well as the implementing the evaluation of projects like inGenious and Scientix.

Gina Mihai is often invited at International Conferences to present the European projects in which she is involved.

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