Patricija Nikolaus
Institution: University of Split, Faculty of Science
Country: Croatia
Patricija Nikolaus is a physics teacher at the Andrija Mohorovičić High School in Rijeka, Croatia, and a PhD student in doctoral study programme Education Research in Natural and Technical Sciences, field Physics at the Faculty of Science, University of Split. She is a member of the expert working group for the preparation of assignments for the State Matura in Physics in the Republic of Croatia. She is the winner of the Ivan Filipović State Award for her contribution to secondary education in 2018. She is the author of a dozen professional articles that she has presented at conferences in Croatia and international conferences. She participated in the development of new curricula within the EU project Science + which are implemented at the Andrija Mohorovičić High School in Rijeka and the Vladimir Prelog High School in Zagreb. Her students participate in national and international competitions in physics and robotics. A team of robotics participates in the FIRST robotic competition.