Just in Time Teaching, Just in Need Learning!
Steinar Killi, Oslo School of Architecture and Design (Norway)
Different approaches to teaching have gone in waves over centuries, two main directions have to some extent been crystalized; lecturing based and project based; an argumentative approach to known knowledge or learning by exploration. Over the last decades a clear shift to the latter has now resulted in a balance between the two, being complimentary instead of opposites. However, new tools and rather large shifts in the way knowledge is obtained or actually consumed, have led to emerging new methods to teaching and learning. This paper will address two of the new trends; just in time teaching and just in need learning. These approaches have been implemented, and tested, in the five year master program in Design at the Oslo school of Architecture and Design, over the last 15 years. However, the findings are relevant for education on all levels. Cues here are; frustration, diversity, collective individuality and wayfinding. The teachers role has gone from provider to facilitator and back, but now the teacher design the learning process, on pre-requisite touch points, driven by the decided learning outcome.