The Future of Education

Edition 15

Accepted Abstracts

Digital resources in the teaching process. A study on the didactic materials in Argentina

Carolina Luciana Tosi, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) y Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas (Conicet) (Argentina)


Carolina Tosi (University of Buenos Aires – CONICET, Argentina)

[email protected]

According to various research studies (Tosi, 2014a y 2014b), for over a decade, curricular discourses produced in Argentina have emphasized the need to develop ICT education proposals. However, since the creation of the governmental program Conectar Igualdad (‘Connecting Equality’ in English) by Decree 459 of April 2010, this aspect became more relevant and it was established as one of the priorities of the education system. It is worth mentioning that Programa Conectar Igualdad is a state policy of digital inclusion at a federal level. Its aim has been to distribute 3.5 million laptops to all students and teachers in secondary schools, special schools and state-run, teacher-training institutes (following a 1:1 model) between 2010 and 2013.

The advent of netbooks into the classroom promoted the question of how to implement ICT and involved the review of methodologies and teaching practices. The new context requires that the potential of new technologies and the Internet are used in the classroom. These can be understood from different dimensions, such as “library, printing and communication channel” (Adell, 2010). However, it is possible to propose a new type of learning: “oblique” learning (Cope and Kalantzis, 2009), which does not limit knowledge to formal educational institutions. In this sense, teachers are facing a great challenge because they have to try to “stop teaching the usual, as usual” (Cope and Kalantzis, 2009).

From this starting point, this study analyses the digital resources in the web site, the educational portal of the Argentine, and the role assumed in the teaching process.


Adell, J. 2010. “Internet en educación”. Comunicación y pedagogía, pp. 25-28.

Coll, C. 2009. “Aprender y enseñar con las TIC: expectativas, realidad y potencialidades”. En Carneiro, R., Toscano, J. y Díaz, T. Los desafíos de las TIC para el cambio educativo. Madrid: Santillana, pp. 113-126

Kope, B. y Kalantzis, M. 2009. “Aprendizaje obicuo. Una agenda para la transformación educativa”. En Aprendizaje obicuo. Illinois: Universidad de Illinois Press. Traducción: Emilio Quintana, p. 1-15.

Tosi, C. (2014a). "The role of the teacher under the digital paradigm. A study on didactic materials intended for high school teachers in Argentina". Actas IV International Conference “The Future of Education”, 

Tosi, C. (2014b). "Políticas editoriales en el entorno digital. El caso de los materiales educativos". Actas I Jornadas de Humanidades Digitales: Culturas, Tecnologías, Saberes. Buenos Aires. En prensa.

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