Teacher Opınıon on Multıplıed Classroom Programs:Turkey Example
Banu Çiçek Seyhan, Giresun Üniversity Faculty of Education (Turkey)
Tekin Güler, Giresun Üniversity İnstitue of social sciences/ master student (Turkey)
The world develops rapidly and with the development it changes and updates itself all the time. Every individual who tries to live in a circulation has education right among many others. Education is one of the basic human rights in developing and changing world. Multiplied classroom programs date back to very old times when we look at the world and Turkish educational history. While these programs are applied only in under developed regions of the world, it is applied in almost half of the schools in Turkey (MEB,2005c). According to the Turkish Constitution act 42: “No one can be avoided from educational rights” . First and secondary education is compulsory for male and female citizens and free at state schools. Government supports its citizens who is deprived of economical facilities via scholarships and other meals. Government takes the necessary precautions to supports the one who needs special training. “ As mentioned in this act, both in rural and urban areas, education must be provided without making distinction”. This causes different applications in educational rights and inequality in opportunity in Turkish educational system. One of these is multiplied classrooms. The aim of this study is to defined the reflection of this application on both teacher and student point of view. The environment of the study is composed of teachers from seven regions of Turkey with multiplied classroom and they took part voluntarily. For this reason, in order to gather data two column writing sample is used which is a reflectional strategy. Thee collected in this application which is a qualitative study have been subject to content analysis. As a result of this study, it has been possible to see their view of multiplied classrooms, their pros and cons, and also their view about the positive and negative effects of this application in general terms.