Enjoyable Classes, Retentive Memories: Using Foldables in English Language Teaching
Saadet Korucu Kış, Konya Necmettin Erbakan University (Turkey)
Being the most outstanding organ of the human body, the brain consists of different parts with different functions. In educational settings, this means that if we want our students to learn effectively, we should help them make the most of their minds by offering various activities in our classrooms since brain gets more activated when it is exposed to different stimuli such as words, colors, images or movements. Foldables, which are three-dimensional and often colorful graphic organizers, provide students not only with verbal and visual information but also with kinesthetic activities, thus addressing to a variety of learning modalities. Consistent with Ausubel’s theory of subsumption, Piaget’s notions of accomodation and assimilation, Vygotsky’s semiotic mediators and Gardner’s multiple intelligences, foldables help learners organize information, see relationships, make new connections, improve retention and they promote active learning. Although foldables can be effective learning and teaching tools, we can not find many experimental studies related to their use in the field of language teaching. Therefore, the aim of this study is to introduce foldables to increase awareness about them among language teachers as well as giving practical ideas to teachers on the use of these tools while teaching English.