Investigating the Viability and Efficiency of The Teachers’ Training Curriculum in Romania
Daniel Andronache, Babeș-Bolyai University (Romania)
The paper „Investigating the viability and efficiency of the teachers’ training curriculum in Romania”, aims at achieving a exploratory study to identify attitudes and the opinion towards teacher training curriculum of the prospective teachers and of the experts in curriculum design. The sample of subjects involved in this study is comprised of ungraduate students in pre-service teacher education (N=100) and of graduate students of teacher training programs (N = 102).
For the substantiation of this study, an analysis of the specialized literature was made. Particularly, most contemporary perspectives of the design curriculum of teacher training find their origin to a lesser or greater extent, in the classical theories of curriculum developed by prominent authors of areas: Bobitt, F., Tyler, R., Taba, H., Dewey, J. These theories are supported and validated over time through educational practice. Also, analyzing the curriculum from a diachronic and synchronic perspective, the vast specialized literature can conclud that each conceptual and praxiological approach of the curriculum derives from the different sets of values, sometimes in competition. We consider that many approaches to the concept do no more than to demonstrate the importance of the curriculum. It is therefore a fundamental concept of teacher training whose promotion is crucial in organizing the educational process as a whole. So, the design of teacher training curriculum is a comprehensive and extremely important segment of educational research and action. It aims to provide the real manifestation premises of the interactions and the interdependencies between educational objectives, contents, principles and strategies of teaching and learning, principles and strategies of assessment in formal educative contexts.
To identify the opinion and the attitudes towards the teaching profession, so to analyze viability and efficiency of the teachers’ training curriculum, was used as a research method based on questionnaire investigation. A Likert scale with five ponints was used, containing 32 items and self-report measures of the variables were used to record data from participant students.
Statistical data analysis of was made using ANOVA, calculating averages and standard deviations. Education provider, in general, and curriculum designers, in particular, can use the results to better understand, design and apply the curriculum of teacher trainig.