DDLUB - Looking Forward to Online Education
Michaela Logofatu, University of Bucharest (Romania)
The acronym DDLUB will be used to identify the Department for Distance Learning of the University of Bucharest, Romania. This department was established in 1999, based on the university’s Senate Decision. The University of Bucharest has been actively contributing to the development and modernization of Romanian education, science and culture. A brief chronological history is presented on the official site (http://www.unibuc.ro/e/n/despre/History.php). The important milestone was the moment when Prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza decided to bring together the Faculties of Law, Sciences and Letters under the umbrella of a single institution and signed the Decree of Creation (decree no.756 of 4/16 July 1864) of the University of Bucharest.
During 2014, DDLUB celebrated 15 years of existence and the University of Bucharest celebrated 150 years of existence.
The Journal of Sciences Education named “REPERE”, ISSN-L 2247-1065, volume 7, number 1, 2013, has published the article “Modernizing the University – Enhanced Teaching and Learning through Digital Technologies”. This article has presented the DDLUB’s achievements, in the domain of promoting ICT in education, during the period 1999-2013.
Early in 2014, the decision makers of DDLUB took into consideration the new trends in higher education. The present article is aiming to outline the 2014 DDLUB's actions aiming to prepare this department for ONLINE system of education.
In the first chapter, the author will present some aspects related to the ONLINE education all over the world and the trends anticipated for 2015.
In the second chapter the author will present the current status of the DL system in education, particularly within DDLB. Fortunately, the Romanian DL system of education needs only a small step forward to became fully ONLINE!
The third chapter will present the “online actions/elements” implemented within DDLUB and the feedback received from the student and the staff.
The 4th chapter will include the conclusions.